At Nuvyyo, we know that an experienced team and strong relationships with the right partners is key to the development of a successful product. We wanted to introduce you to some of team Tablo and demonstrate how far we’ve come with our hardware and app development. We’ll also tell you how we plan to make the most of your support and input through Indiegogo to bring Tablo to your home.
And as a special treat, today’s blog is a video update!
The video gives you a behind the scenes look at the awesome hardware platform for the Tablo DVR as well as the beautiful user interface on our iPad app.
With a production run of beta machines coming out later this month, we’ll be paying close attention to your questions and comments on our Indiegogo Campaign for ideas that will make Tablo even better.
Now is the time to get involved and have your say:
- Do you want 2 or 4 Tuners?
- Do you want or need the flexibility of WiFi or do you prefer an Ethernet connection to your router?
- Do you want internal storage for out of the box recording or the flexibility of external USB hard drives for more storage options?
The perk you choose for your contribution will help us understand which options are more important to you. So will your comments and questions, so get involved and put your money where your mouse is by supporting us on Indiegogo today!