Is Tablo right for you? You’ve heard the buzz and read the expert reviews, but sometimes it helps to hear the Tablo Success Story from real Tablo customers to know if this is the right solution for you.
Our latest blog series, “How I Cut the Cord with Tablo” features Q&A style interviews with our Tablo OTA DVR customers, focusing on how they’ve cut the cord on cable to save money while enjoying a whole-home DVR experience using Tablo.
Whether you’re still on the fence about cutting the cord or you’re just looking for tips and tricks on how to improve your cord-cutting setup, we hope you’ll find these Tablo Success Stories helpful.
Why did you cut the cord? How much money are you saving each month?
My name is Stacy and I’m a cable addict. I’m here to share my story in the hopes that other cable addicts will follow my lead.
Earlier this year, with our cable services increasing in price yet again and our pocket book getting stretched even thinner we decided it was time to either stop watching television or find an alternative.
I went to a number of review websites and the name that popped up again and again was Tablo. When one of my closest friends brought the product up in conversation and said he was going to use Tablo to cut the cord, I knew it was a sign!
The amount of money we are saving now is staggering. Every month we were paying Uverse $150 for hundreds of channels that we weren’t even watching. Once we realized that 99% of the shows we watched were available for ’free‘ Over-the-Air (OTA), it made the switch to Tablo even easier! In two months, we broke even on our initial investment in the Tablo 4-Tuner and an HD antenna from Mohu. Free television has never looked so good!
What do you get with an HDTV antenna that you couldn’t get another way?
Um, that’s easy. Have I mentioned that I’m watching all of my favorite television shows for FREE? I also never knew that cable companies were compressing the signal, but now that I can see my shows at full HD strength I thought we were watching Ultra HD!
Why did you choose the Tablo OTA DVR as part of your home entertainment arsenal?
After reading through the reviews on Amazon and a few other technology review websites, I dug in deeper on the Tablo main company website. I looked at screenshots of their interface, watched their promotional videos on how Tablo works and read through their list of features. All of this was more than enough information to convince me but when I read that I could stream my recorded shows to my mobile phone or tablet I was sold.
What’s been the best thing about using/having Tablo so far?
Did you read the part about the free TV? While that’s still my top answer, I think a close second is the ability to watch my football games in an hour. No, that isn’t a typo. I’m a father and husband first and foremost so I’m not the kind of guy who likes being tethered to a TV for three hours to watch a game. I would much rather spend that time having fun with my wife and kids! So I record the game, get up early the next day and with the amazing fast forward feature I can zip through commercials, half time and even jump to the next play once the play is over in seconds. I just finished watching the Cowboys beat the Vikings and I timed it right – around 65 minutes!
What other services and tools do you use to watch TV/Video content and why?
Roku for sure. We were already huge fans and once we found out Roku had an app that perfectly integrated with Tablo it was like a match made in heaven! We have a Roku on every television and because Tablo is a wireless media server, everyone can enjoy watching TV from their own room over our network! The other services we use are Netflix (a must-have for any cord cutter), Amazon Prime Video and Vudu so we can get our movie fix anytime there’s nothing new recorded on Tablo.
What advice do you have for others thinking of cutting the cord?
I think most people who are considering cutting the cord have to reassured that their life will not end. Cable is like a drug that most of have been using for all our lives and removing something this powerful is not going to be easy for everyone. Just the thought of not having cable made me feel really anxious and nervous because I have always had cable from the time I was a kid! Hey, I get it sounds goofy, but I’m just being honest!
So for anyone that is fearful about losing cable I can tell you as one addict to another – do it! Cut it!
If you want to quit cigarettes, vape. If you want to quit cable, Tablo!
Already enjoying your Tablo OTA DVR? Remember to post a review of your DVR on Amazon and let your fellow TV lovers know about your Tablo Success Story. To participate in the ‘How I cut the cord with Tablo’ blog series, drop us a line at We’d love to hear your Tablo Success Story.