Get endless TV enjoyment from 100+ channels including major networks, local news, live sports and streaming channels with Tablo.
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Channel results subject to TV antenna reception and internet access. These results should be used as a rough estimate of what channels you might expect to receive based upon the location details with an antenna placed at a height of approximately 13′. Your results may vary. Most installations will require some optimization in terms of antenna type, quality and placement. The information used to generate these results is based on data from the FCC and Titan TV and does not factor in topography, trees, obstructions or other factors that may impact TV signal reception. Its accuracy and completeness are not guaranteed. Tablo is not responsible for any errors or omissions.
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Sometimes, just restarting your smartphone or tablet can clear up issues with apps. The links below will provide detailed instructions on how to force close your Tablo app.
Android smartphones
Most Android smartphones and tablets can be restarted by holding the POWER button and then selecting RESTART or POWER OFF and RESTART from the POWER OPTIONS menu.
NOTE: Newer Samsung devices require you to hold the POWER/SIDE button and VOLUME DOWN to make the POWER OPTIONS menu appear. On the Google Pixel 6, hold the POWER and VOLUME UP buttons.
Sometimes, just restarting the app can fix things. The links below will provide detailed instructions on how to force close your Tablo app.
Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. Follow the steps in the video below for a full walkthrough of the remaining parts of the Tablo setup process.
Please enter a valid address.
We recommend entering your full address for the most accurate results.
Get More Than Over-the-Air Channels
Enjoy More with Free Streaming Channels
This is an estimate only. Actual broadcast TV channels received may vary based on TV antenna location, reception, topography, and other obstructions. Streaming channels require an internet connection. View the Channel Details Report for specifics of each channel and to help determine what antenna is needed.
Reception alert: Based upon the location you entered, you may not get many of the major networks. As a result, Tablo may not be the best fit for you. Please enter your full address above for best accuracy.
Major networks you know that have live sports, major events, local news and more.
Internet-based free streaming channels .